Some Fun Summer Ideas for People Recovering from Addiction

Most people think of summertime as a time to get with friends, have fun, and party. But, for people in recovery from addiction, the temptations of summertime can make this time of year seem overwhelming and complicated. However, people in recovery can have just as much fun as people who aren’t sober. But, they still have to keep in mind that their recovery comes first. Fortunately, there are lots of fun summertime activities that people in recovery from addiction can do to both have fun and keep their sobriety a priority this summer.

Give Your Life Some Organization

Feeling like it’s time to renew your mind? A great way to do so is by organizing your space! A great summertime task is to clear your home and organize your space in order to have a fresh and clean slate to tackle the summer and the upcoming year. For example, go through all of your cabinets and drawers to find things you know longer want and donate them, organize your closets, clean underneath furniture, and more. When you have a cleaner and more organized space, you’ll feel that you are more open to ideas and even feel better about yourself.

Find New Peer Support With Groups

Sober groups are available in almost every location. These groups can help you connect with peers who are also sober and looking for people to hang out with who are in recovery this summer. Plus, having more peers who understand what you’re dealing with can provide you with the extra support that’s always encouraged for one’s recovery journey. And, will give you some like-minded people to do sober activities with this summer.

Do Things Outside and Soak Up The Sun

Being out in nature and soaking in vitamin D from the sun is proven to be a mood booster and improve overall mental health. So, what better time of the year is it to go outside and in nature than the summer? There are many summertime, outdoor activities to consider including kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming, gardening, sports, hiking, and more! When you choose an outdoor activity in the summertime, you’ll never regret the time you’ve spent in nature.

Throw a Sober Party

It can be hard facing the summertime when it seems like everyone gets together to drink alcohol and party. But, there’s no harm in having your own, alcohol-free party with your sober friends. Gatherings don’t have to revolve around alcohol. So, throw your own summertime gettogether with all of your friends and peers in recovery, and ask them to bring their favorite dish or game, and their favorite non-alcoholic beverage.

Join an Adult Sports League

There’s nothing better than some summertime competition. So, if you like sports, search your local area for any recreational adult sports leagues that go on during the summer months. Whatever sport you’re into, go to a field or recreation center near you to find out more about how to join a league so that you can get involved, meet some new people, and enjoy the competition.

Getting Help During the Summertime for Addiction

Are you struggling this summer with alcohol or drug use? If so, you’re not alone. Fortunately, treatment can help you to establish sobriety and live a life of recovery. You don’t have to live a life of addiction any longer. Take the step today to get the help you need to obtain lasting healing. At Delray Center for Recovery, we provide individuals who are suffering from addiction with treatment in order to help them overcome the effects of addiction in their lives. Find out more about our outpatient programs and services from our website.

The Identifiable Ties Between Trauma and Addiction

June is PTSD Awareness Month, so it’s important to spread awareness about the impacts of trauma. This includes the ties between trauma and addiction, as many people who struggle with substance use disorder have also struggled with trauma. The causes of addiction are many, but one of the most common is a history of trauma. The impacts of trauma can be severe, even sometimes leading to the development of mental health issues like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Dealing with the impacts of trauma can be a challenge. So, many people who struggle with experiencing trauma turn towards drugs or alcohol to numb the pain, leading to a cycle of use and the eventual development of addiction.

It can be helpful to understand more about the relationship between trauma and addiction in order for people who struggle with both to learn more about the available resources and treatment that may be helpful to them.

Identifying What Trauma Is

Trauma is an experience an individual may face that can present a number of difficult and debilitating symptoms to a person’s life. Trauma triggers the fight or flight response, which is a defense mechanism to high stress and fear levels, that allows for the release of specific hormones. This can help a person to react in a dangerous situation so they are better suited for survival. However, sometimes, people who have experienced trauma have a long-term reaction to trauma which involves the body’s fight or flight response to react all the time, leading to a number of debilitating side effects. One of which being the neglect of knowing the difference between actual danger and situations or things that aren’t actually dangerous at all.

This is why, often, people who develop PTSD may not be able to move on with their lives – constantly being sucked back into the time period they have experienced a traumatic event. And, living with debilitating symptoms as the result of not being able to move forward from traumatic events.

Experiences of Trauma

There are a number of things that can be classified as traumatic. And, every person may experience trauma differently. So, while some people may be able to experience trauma and eventually move on with their lives, others may experience trauma and eventually develop PTSD. Some examples of traumatic experiences that can lead to PTSD include:

  • living through a natural disaster
  • being the survivor of a vehicular accident
  • surviving childhood abuse
  • sexual, physical, or emotional abuse
  • being diagnosed with a chronic illness
  • experiencing a life-altering injury
  • witnessing or being the victim of a violent crime
  • war combat
  • losing a loved one or loved ones suddenly

Trauma and Addiction

In many cases, the effects of PTSD and living through traumatic events can be debilitating. These symptoms can negatively affect relationships, careers, and social lives. They can also lead to negative feelings of hopelessness, suicidal ideation, and despair. So, many people who develop PTSD may look for an outlet in order to manage these symptoms. This outlet is often the numbing effects of drugs or alcohol. Over time, using addictive substances can lead to dependency and a cycle of addiction.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Delray Center for Recovery

When a person is living with two mental health issues, like PTSD and substance use disorder, this is known as dual diagnosis. It’s important for people living with two or more mental health issues to get help for them simultaneously. This improves the chance of sustainable recovery. Delray Center for Recovery offers dual diagnosis treatment in order to address multiple mental health diagnoses. Find out more about our dual diagnoses program available at our outpatient Delray Center treatment facility on our website.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Addiction to Look For?

Wondering if you or a loved one is struggling with addiction? It can be challenging to make the decision to get help with addiction. But, knowing the signs and symptoms of addiction to look out for can help individuals struggling with addiction to understand they may need professional assistance. When it comes to addiction, there are a number of signs and symptoms to watch out for including physical signs and symptoms, social signs and symptoms, and psychological signs and symptoms.

Physical Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

When a person regularly uses addictive substances, a number of physical symptoms can occur including:

Withdrawal: When a person who is addicted to an addictive substance stops using the substance they depend on, they’ll experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may differ depending on what substance is being used. Examples of withdrawal symptoms can include cravings, nausea, stomach pain, headaches, and more.

Sleep Issues: People living with active addiction often experience sleep issues. This can include either sleeping too much or too little. This can occur due to stimulants keeping people awake. And, when the high wears off, catch up with sleep once a binge ends.

Weight Gain or Loss: Addictive substances can affect a person’s weight since they can increase or decrease appetite. For example, stimulants can make eating seem unappealing. However, marijuana is known to increase appetite and lead to overeating. Therefore, weight gain and weight loss can both be physical side effects of addiction.

Social Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

Along with physical signs and symptoms of addiction, there are some social factors that can be affected by addiction. Some of the social signs and symptoms of addiction can include:

Passion Changes: If you or a loved one stops doing what they’re passionate about or sacrifices their priorities in order to maintain the lifestyle of using drugs, this may be a sign of addiction. Often, people who are in the active cycle of addiction will give up the things they’ve previously enjoyed in order to pursue drug use.

Avoidance: People who are struggling with drug abuse and addiction may pull away from the people who love them for fear of judgment. So, not answering the phone, making plans and not showing up, and avoiding social events can be a sign of addiction.

Problems With the Law: Another social issue that can come with addiction is problems with the law. Since using addictive substances can impair judgment, people who use drugs or alcohol in excess may make impulsive decisions that can get them in trouble with the law. So, having legal issues can be a sign or symptom of addiction.

Financial Problems: Issues with money can be a sign of addiction as using drugs and alcohol in excess can become expensive. Moreover, having to pay for legal issues or other issues that may come up as the result of drug abuse and addiction can become expensive as well.

Psychological Signs and Symptoms of Addiction

While physical and social signs and symptoms of addiction can be identifiable, they’re not the only symptoms of addiction to look out for. Psychological signs and symptoms of addiction can be the most obvious to loved ones and individuals living with addiction and can include:

Impulsive Decisions: Addictive substances can influence a person’s decision-making as they can impair judgment. Some examples of impulsive decisions can include unsafe sex practices, drunk or high-driving, theft, and more.

Using Drugs or Alcohol Even if Physical Symptoms Appear: If a person is using drugs or alcohol even though they’ve noticed that they are experiencing physical issues as a result of drug or alcohol abuse, this can be a signifying factor of addiction.

Not Being Able to Stop Using: Another characteristic of addiction is the inability to stop using despite the consequences of using drugs or alcohol. So, if you or a loved one is not willing or able to stop quitting the use of drugs or alcohol, this may be a sign of addiction.

Getting Help for Addiction at Delray Center for Recovery

Are you noticing the signs and symptoms of addiction in your own life or the life of a loved one? If so, there is help available. Delray Center for Recovery offers outpatient care for people who are struggling with addiction. Find out more about how we can help on our website today.

Why a Sleep Routine is Essential for Addicts in Recovery

Sleep issues are a big issue for people in the active cycle of addiction. Whether it’s too much sleep or not enough sleep, sleep issues can impact a person’s daily life and bring about debilitating physical and mental health symptoms. During treatment, it’s important for addicts in recovery to understand the impacts of sleep. And, determine ways to adjust their sleeping habits in order to give themselves the best chance of recovery success.

Why Healthy Sleep Patterns are so Important

What’s so necessary about a healthy sleep pattern anyway? Well, the reason humans need sleep is to regenerate energy and give both our minds and bodies rest. During sleep, our bodies heal from the previous day and are prepared for the day to come. Without the recharge that sleep allows for, our bodies are not prepared for the psychological processing and physical functioning they are required to perform.

Average sleep for an adult human is 7 to 9 hours a night. Certainly, it’s not always feasible to get this amount, but this should be the length of time sleep you aim to get on a daily basis. When you consistently don’t get enough sleep, this can lead to issues like insomnia and sleep deprivation – both of which can lead to the development of both physical and mental health issues including depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, diabetes, and heart disease. Getting enough sleep is essential for good health on both mental and physical levels.

The Effects Addiction Has on Sleep

Abusing addictive substances can certainly lead to a lack of sleep. This is because addictive substances can affect our bodily functioning, keeping us from getting the sleep we need to remain mentally and physically healthy. Some of the effects that substances can have on sleep include:

Alcohol: Alcohol is a depressant that can keep us from falling into a deep and rejuvenating sleep (REM).

Stimulants: Stimulants like cocaine and speed keep the body and mind from drifting into sleep, keeping the body up and active.

Withdrawal: Withdrawing from specific substances, for example, opioids, can keep people from getting a healthy amount of sleep. And, since users of these substances will often stop using after a binge, they may find themselves having a hard time getting a healthy amount of sleep, leading to the negative effects that not enough sleep can bring.

The Importance of Sleep for Addicts in Recovery

Sure, when a person is in the active cycle of addiction, it is easy not to get enough sleep. But, this is true also for people who are in recovery. However, it’s essential to learn how to get enough sleep during treatment so that these habits can be implemented into a daily, sober life. When a person in recovery doesn’t get enough sleep, they are at a higher risk for developing concurring mental health issues like anxiety or depression, which can make the recovery process even more challenging. Learning new behaviors through treatment, like setting a sleep schedule, can help to reduce this risk.

Getting Help With Sleep in Recovery

If you find that you’re in the initial stages of recovery or are wanting to become sober and need help with sleep, treatment can help. Therapy and other resources are available to recovering individuals at Delray Center for Recovery so that individuals can learn the importance of sleep and how to achieve a healthy sleep schedule.

How Massage Therapy Works in Mental Health Recovery

Many people depend on massage therapy to alleviate symptoms of physical illness or injury. But, most people don’t know that massage therapy provides relief from mental illness as well. So, how does massage therapy work to promote healing and symptom relief, and what are the benefits of massage therapy throughout mental health recovery?

Who Can Benefit from Massage Therapy Sessions?

Massage therapy is available at Delray Center for Recovery for individuals living with a number of physical and mental health issues. Some of the issues and symptoms that massage therapy can help to address include:

  • insomnia
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • high-stress levels
  • depression
  • migraines

Massages Can Help to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Levels

Anxiety disorders and depression typically involve experiencing symptoms including high levels of stress. Stress is a debilitating symptom of mental health issues that can affect a person’s daily life on a negative level. However, individuals who utilize massage find that their stress levels decrease as a result of therapy sessions. This is because the stimulation of the muscles helps to promote relaxation. When we are more relaxed, we are less likely to react to stress in negative ways.

Massage therapy can promote relaxation in as little as 15 minutes, giving people who struggle with high-stress levels the results they need fast. Therefore, making massage therapy sessions are a quick and simple way to address symptoms of anxiety and depression disorders on a weekly basis. Scheduling massage therapy sessions is as easy as taking 30 minutes out of your schedule – helping to promote relaxation and manage stress levels quickly.

It Helps to Relieve Chronic Pain and Other Symptoms of Physical Issues

It’s not uncommon that people who suffer from chronic health conditions or physical injury develop mental health issues like high-stress levels. An elevation in stress levels can make dealing with physical illness or injury even worse, so it’s important for people dealing with these issues to find ways to manage stress. Adding a massage therapy routine for people diagnosed and living with physical ailments such as chronic conditions and injuries can help to reduce stress levels, better manage symptoms of depression, and stimulate relaxation. All of these benefits can help to improve a patient’s state of mind which allows for a better treatment experience for physical ailments and a better chance of recovery.

Massage Can Help With Sleep Issues

Disturbed sleep patterns are consistently an issue with people who suffer from mental health issues like mood disorders, PTSD, and more. Massage therapy helps to promote relaxation, which can also help to improve sleep. Not only does massage help to promote relaxation, but it can also help to reduce pain, which is another cause of sleep deprivation. So, not only can people who are living with mental health issues get better sleep as a result of using massage therapy, but so can people living with chronic pain.

Utilizing Massage Therapy Sessions for Mental Health Issues

If you’re looking for tools outside of traditional mental health treatments and think that massage therapy may be a good asset for your treatment planning, Delray Center for Recovery can help. We provide a number of holistic tools for people who want to better manage the symptoms of their mental health issues, including massage. To learn more about our services, therapies, and treatment approaches, visit us on our website.