Why Should You Choose Suboxone Detox Instead of Methadone?

Suboxone is a newer opiate addiction maintenance drug that many are finding far superior to methadone in helping to relieve withdrawal symptoms during treatment for opiate addiction. Why should you choose our Suboxone detox Delray Beach program instead of another program that uses methadone? Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of Suboxone detox.

Suboxone is More Effective Than Methadone

Suboxone is a partial opiate agonist, while methadone is a full opiate agonist. This means that people going through methadone detox can abuse their methadone by taking more than the recommended dose. They’ll get high. Getting high off of your methadone maintenance drugs just prolongs the agony of addiction.

Suboxone, on other hand, won’t get you high if you increase your dose beyond the recommended level. This means that you’re more likely to get and stay clean when you enter our Suboxone detox Delray Beach program.

It’s Easier to Taper Off of Suboxone

You’ll find that it’s easier to taper off of Suboxone at the end of your Suboxone detox Delray Beach program. Because Suboxone isn’t a full opiate agonist like methadone, using it during our Suboxone detox Delray Beach program doesn’t maintain your physical dependence on opiates. As you continue through our Suboxone detox Delray Beach program, your physical dependence on opiates will gradually lessen, so that when you finally reach the end of your Suboxone detox Delray Beach program and stop taking Suboxone, your withdrawal symptoms will be far less severe than they would with methadone.

Suboxone Detox is More Convenience than Methadone Maintenance

Because you can’t abuse Suboxone the way you can methadone, it’s not necessary to come to a clinic every day to get your dose of maintenance drugs. If you enter our Suboxone detox Delray Beach program, you’ll be given a prescription to fill. That means you can keep a supply of Suboxone in your medicine cabinet and take it in the privacy of your own home.

Need more information about how you can quit using opiates with our Suboxone detox Delray Beach program? Give us a call today at 1-888-699-5679. We’re waiting to hear from you.

3 Reasons Outpatient Addiction Treatment is Superior to Inpatient Treatment

If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction, there’s a way out. And it doesn’t require you to leave your home, school and job to spend weeks or months living in an expensive facility! Outpatient addiction treatment is just as effective as inpatient rehab for those who finish their treatment programs. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider outpatient addiction treatment for your problem.


When you choose outpatient addiction treatment, you can schedule your treatment sessions around your other obligations. You can stay at work, keep going to school, be there for your kids’ school plays and Little League games, and sleep every night in your own comfortable bed.

That’s especially important if you’re a single parent. Who will take care of your kids while you go off to inpatient treatment for 60 to 90 days? Don’t worry about it! With outpatient addiction treatment, you can take care of yourself and become a better parent without worrying about what will happen to your kids while you’re away.


If you go away to an inpatient rehab, people are going to find out you needed to seek addiction treatment. Whether it’s just your own circle or the whole town, having other people discover you’re an addict can be mortifying, and it can damage your future prospects. With outpatient addiction treatment, no one ever need know that you had to get addiction treatment. That’s because you’ll be right where you’ve always been, doing what you’ve always done, and won’t have to explain away a long absence from home.


When you attend outpatient addiction treatment in your own area, you’ll build a network of other people in recovery to whom you can turn for social support and advice throughout your own recovery process. This will be vital, since you’ll probably have to stop seeing many of your old drinking and drugging friends altogether.

If you’re ready to see what outpatient addiction treatment can do for you, we’re here to help. Call The Delray Center for Healing today at 1-888-699-5679.



Get Spice Addiction Treatment in Our Delray Beach Program

Spice, also known as K2 or synthetic marijuana, is a mixture of plant materials and chemicals that supposedly have psychoactive effects similar to those of marijuana and are marketed as a safe alternative to that drug.

Once totally legal, lawmakers have been banning spice throughout the US as more and more reports of its dangers come to light. Manufacturers of spice have a history of regularly changing the chemical makeup of these drugs in order to get around laws banning synthetic marijuana.

Spice can psychosis in those who use it, and is far more dangerous and addictive than marijuana. The exact chemical composition of most spice products cannot be pinpointed, so ingesting these products is incredibly risky.

Our spice addiction treatment Delray Beach program seeks to help people who have been taken in by the false claims of manufacturers of this pseudo-legal drug, and become hopelessly addicted to it. Our spice addiction treatment Delray Beach program uses many of the same methods that have been proven to treat addictions to other drugs.

Group therapy is an important part of our spice addiction treatment Delray Beach program. While we believe that group therapy can help people in our addiction treatment Delray Beach program feel a sense of community and support as they work towards a sober lifestyle, we also recognize the importance of one-on-one therapy. Individual therapy allows you to establish a rapport with your therapist in our addiction treatment Delray Beach program, and that connection opens the door to greater self-exploration and self-understanding.

Behavioral therapies are also a cornerstone of our spice addiction treatment Delray Beach program. We use cognitive behavioral therapy to help our addiction treatment clients understand the cognitive roots of their unhealthy and self-destructive behaviors, and then replace those behaviors with healthy ones. We also rely on dialectical behavior therapy to teach clients in our addiction treatment Delray Beach program how to control their emotions and interact productively with others.

Are you or is someone close to you addicted to synthetic marijuana? Get help before it’s too late. Call The Delray Center for Healing today at 1-888-699-5679 to find out how we can help you change your life.

3 Reasons You Should Choose Drug Rehab in Delray Beach

Choosing a drug rehab is one of the most difficult and important choices a person can make. That’s why it’s so important to choose a drug rehab staffed by caring, qualified professionals and located in a community that actively supports your recovery. Our drug rehab Delray Beach programs are some of the best in the country. Here’s why you can’t go wrong with a drug rehab Delray Beach program.

There’s No Bigger Recovery Community in the World

Drug rehab Delray Beach programs are so popular because there’s no other place in the world where you’ll find so many people working together to build a community based on sobriety and recovery. In a drug rehab Delray Beach program, you’ll find yourself surrounded by others who have come here to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of addiction.

That means you’re much less likely to feel isolated and lonely in a drug rehab Delray Beach program. The support you’ll receive from our recovery community will go a long way towards protecting you from relapse and ensuring that your sobriety lasts into the long term. There will always be a recovery support group to attend, and you’ll never have to worry about who you’ll spend time with now that you’re in recovery from addiction.

Delray Beach Offers New Opportunities

If you’re like many of the people who relocate to attend our drug rehab Delray Beach program, you might decide to stay on here after your treatment is complete. That’s a great idea, because Delray Beach offers plenty of employment and education opportunities for people leaving our drug rehab Delray Beach program.

Delray Beach is a booming community with a strong economy, and plenty of positions available to help you get back on your feet after you finish treatment. There are also numerous community colleges and four-year universities here to help you finish your education or seek training in a new field.

There’s Plenty to Do in Delray Beach

One of the most difficult parts of being newly sober is finding healthy, constructive things to do with yourself. Delray Beach offers a range of sports and outdoor activities, in addition to plenty of chances to socialize in a substance free environment.

If you’re ready for your struggle with addiction to end, there’s hope. Call The Delray Center for Healing now at 1-888-699-5679 to find out how our Delray Beach drug rehab programs can help.

Why Should You Choose a Holistic Drug Detox Treatment Center?

The term “holistic” when used in medicine means to treat a patient as a whole person, rather than a set of symptoms. A holistic drug detox treatment center treats not just the physical aspects of addiction, but also the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. Here’s why you should consider attending a holistic drug detox treatment center.

You’ll Still Receive Traditional Medical and Psychiatric Treatments

A holistic drug and alcohol detox treatment center uses most of the same treatment methods traditionally used for drug and alcohol detox. If you check into a holistic detox treatment center for alcoholism, for example, you’ll still receive medical support and pharmaceutical treatment for your withdrawal symptoms. The same holds true for treatment of any other addiction.
You’ll also get to benefit from traditional psychiatric methods of addiction treatment. In a holistic drug and alcohol detox treatment center you’ll receive the same evidence-based counseling that you would in any other treatment center.

You’ll Also Receive Comprehensive Emotional and Spiritual Care

At a holistic drug and alcohol detox treatment center, you’ll receive care that considers your emotional and spiritual needs as well as your physical ones. You’ll be encouraged to explore your spirituality through meditation or religious activities. These activities can go a long way towards helping you feel spiritually and emotionally stable and centered as you recover from addiction.

You’ll Benefit from Alternative Therapies

Alternative therapies, especially acupuncture and nutrition therapy, have been proven to be extremely beneficial for people being treated for addiction. In a holistic drug and alcohol detox treatment center, you’ll receive a wide range of alternative therapies designed to help you cope with withdrawals and stress, as well as heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually from the damage done by addiction.

At The Delray Center for Healing, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the disease symptoms. Call us today at 1-888-699-5679 to learn more about holistic addiction treatment and what it can do for you.