Inpatient Rehab Centers Have Their Advantages

Are you trying to decide whether you or someone you love should seek addiction treatment at an outpatient or inpatient rehab center? Outpatient rehabs are cheaper and their treatments can be easier to fit into a hectic modern life, it’s true. But inpatient rehab centers do have their advantages. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Inpatient Rehab Centers Don’t Test Your Willpower

When you enter an outpatient rehab program, there’s no one looking over your shoulder 24/7 to make sure you don’t use drugs or alcohol. You’re on your own recognizance, so to speak. It’s up to you to stay clean and sober, so you need to have the inner strength and resolve to do so.

This might not be a big deal if your problem developed only recently, you have a stable home life, no one in your home or social circle is an addict, and you’re determined to succeed in your recovery. But let’s say your home situation is uncertain, a spouse or family member also uses, or you’ve been struggling with addiction for a long time. If that’s you, you could benefit from the supervision offered by inpatient rehab centers.

Inpatient Rehab Centers Let You Focus on Your Recovery

When you go to outpatient treatment, you’ll still have to spend a lot of time and energy on your other responsibilities – your career, your family, your education, etc. At this time in your life, it’s vital that you focus on yourself and your recovery as much as you can. If you can check into an inpatient facility, you’ll be able to spend the entire time putting all of your energy into your own well-being.

Don’t feel selfish for putting yourself first. You’re no good to others if you’re not healthy and happy.

Inpatient Rehab Centers Increase Your Chances of Success

That isn’t because outpatient programs are bad – it’s because you’re more likely to complete your program if you choose one of the many worthwhile inpatient rehab centers out there.

You don’t have to fight addiction alone. Call us today at 1-888-699-5679 to get help.

Learn to Manage Your Stress Levels with Mindfulness Meditation

Stress can affect every aspect of your life, including your mental, emotional and physical health. At our stress rehabilitation center, we strive not only to help you relax and restore your mental and physical well-being, but to give you the tools to combat stress over the long run.

With a combination of therapy, medication and alternative treatments, the specialists at our stress rehabilitation center will help you recover from the effects of stress on your life. Mindfulness meditation is one of the most common tools we use at our stress rehabilitation center to help you reclaim a positive and carefree outlook on life.

The stress-relief benefits of meditation have been medically proven, which is why we rely on it as a part of the treatment program at our stress rehabilitation center. Meditation can help you control negative emotions, gain a new perspective on difficult situations, focus on the present moment, become more self-aware and improve many health conditions, including substance abuse, depression and insomnia.

At our stress rehabilitation center, we rely on multiple types of meditative practices. Yoga, which encourages practitioners to concentrate on breathing techniques and physical postures, is one of the very effective techniques we espouse at our stress rehabilitation center.

In mindfulness meditation, we focus on the present moment and our perceptions during the meditative exercise. We learn to observe our thoughts, feelings and even actions without judgment. In this way, we can learn to accept what is without reacting negatively.

To practice mindfulness meditation at home, assume a comfortable position in which you can keep your spine straight. You may either sit or lie down. Breathe slowly, while focusing your awareness on your breath. Watch your thoughts, feelings and perceptions without passing judgment or attempting to cling to them. Gradually expand your awareness to include the things occurring outside of your mind and body. Be patient with yourself as you develop the skills to meditate peacefully.

Our stress rehabilitation centers have helped countless people learn to navigate the tricky waters of modern life. We can help you too. Call The Delray Center for Healing today at 1-888-699-5679.

How to Prepare Yourself for Your Alcohol Rehab Florida Program

So, you’ve finally made the decision to enter an alcohol rehab Florida program and begin the long journey to sobriety. Now you need to prepare yourself mentally, financially and otherwise to begin your alcohol rehab Florida program. Follow these steps to tie up loose ends before your alcohol rehab program starts.

Take Time Off Work

You’re allowed to take time off work for your alcohol rehab Florida program. Addiction is considered a mental illness. Though you may be concerned about how your employer may react when he discovers you’re an alcoholic, chances are you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Your employer would rather see you recover and return to your position than spend the time and money to find, hire and train someone else who may not be as experienced as you. Furthermore, your boss will probably feel some amount of compassion for your situation.

Tie Up Financial Loose Ends

Aside from securing the funds to pay for your alcohol rehab Florida program, you’ll also need to make sure your bills are paid and your family provided for in your absence. Your spouse or other family members can help with this.

Talk to Your Loved Ones

Your spouse and others who are close to you may already know that you’re entering an alcohol rehab Florida program, but make sure you discuss the particulars with everyone who needs to know. This includes your children. Keep the conversation age-appropriate, but let them know where you’re going and why.

Get Domestic Help

If you have a family with young children at home, get domestic help while you’re away. You can hire a nanny or housekeeper, or simply ask neighbors, friends or relatives to pick up some of your slack while you’re in your alcohol rehab Florida program. This way the burden on adult loved ones you leave behind won’t be too great.

Commit to Rehab

Sobering up won’t be a frolic through a flowery spring meadow, but it’s what you need to do for your own well-being and that of those who love you. Realize that you need to commit to recovery for the long term – and even if you relapse, you’ll have to pick yourself up and start again.

If you’re ready to quit drinking and commit to a life of sobriety, we can help. Call The Delray Center for Healing today at 1-888-699-5679 to learn more.


What Keeps People Who Know They Need It From Entering Outpatient Detox?

In the 21st century, outpatient detox for opiate addiction, using drugs like buprenorphine and naloxone, is an effective way for opiate addicts to cast off the yoke of addiction and return to a normal way of life. But many people who need outpatient detox for opiate addiction don’t get it – even when they know they need it, and often, even when they know that outpatient detox will be better than continuing along the path of addiction. Why?

They Can’t Afford It

According to data compiled by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, a significant portion – more than 32 percent – of people who know they need help for a drug problem but don’t make any effort to get it refrain from trying to get help because they can’t afford it. Maybe they don’t have health insurance and don’t have the money to pay for outpatient detox out of pocket. While many facilities will work will people to produce management payment plans, some just don’t have the assets at hand to cover the costs. It’s a legitimate concern.

They’re Afraid of Professional Repercussions

Most outpatient detox programs – especially those using Suboxone or Subutex – all plenty of scheduling flexibility so that patients can stay in their jobs. However, many patients are worried about the potential repercussions at work if their boss should find out they’re an addict. In fact, most employers will support your recovery.

They’re Afraid of Embarrassment

Many people worry about what their neighbors, friends and relatives will think if they enter an outpatient detox for opiate addiction. This is a normal concern, especially with the stigma many recovering addicts face. However, no one should let mere embarrassment keep them from getting treatment.

They Don’t Know Where to Get Treatment

Not knowing where to go for outpatient detox is no reason not to get help. A little research can help you find a great treatment facility in your area – like The Delray Center for Healing. If you’re ready to give outpatient detox a try, give us a call, at 1-888-699-5679.

How Yoga Therapy Makes Anxiety Rehab More Effective

Researchers have spent decades studying the effects of meditative practice on anxiety and stress. Studies have found that yoga may help relieve anxiety by moderating the effects of the stress response to lower heart rate and blood pressure and slow breathing. Yoga has been found to help relieve pain, increase pain tolerance, improve sleep quality and boost mood, which is why it’s an important part of our anxiety rehab programs.

Yoga in Anxiety Rehab Helps Control Stress

Stress can be a huge contributor to anxiety disorders, especially traumatic events like natural disasters, major illnesses, or going to combat. Practicing yoga helps to dampen the physiological stress response by reducing the practitioner’s perception of stress. This means a lower heart and respiratory rates and lower blood pressure. Practicing yoga in anxiety rehab can help you feel calmer.

Yoga also helps decrease pain sensitivity. In a University of Utah study that compared yoga practitioners to fibromyalgia patients, yoga practitioners were found to have the greatest pain tolerance – even more than that of healthy people who did not practice yoga. These findings were confirmed by MRI results that showed lower activity in the pain-related parts of yoga practitioner’s brains.

Yoga in Anxiety Rehab Boosts Mood

The biggest reason people enter an anxiety rehab is to learn how to cope with the stresses of daily life and begin to feel better. Multiple studies have shown that when people suffering from anxiety or depression and other mental disorders practice yoga, they experience measurable improvements in happiness and feelings of overall well-being. Headaches, poor sleep, back pain, hostility, fatigue and anger also improved. A program of yogic breathing called Sudarshan Kriya yoga has been used to achieve complete remission even in people with the most severe depression and anxiety symptoms – those requiring hospitalization and electroconvulsive therapy.

Yoga in Anxiety Rehab Improves PTSD Symptoms

Yoga practice has even been used to reduced PTSD symptoms in veterans of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC now offers a yoga-based treatment program to soldiers who come home with PTSD.

If you’re struggling with overwhelming feelings of anxiety, our anxiety rehab can help. Call us today at 1-888-699-5679.