Sobriety Tips for the Upcoming Holiday Season

Are you in active recovery or trying to stay sober? With the holidays coming up, you may be wondering how you’ll handle all of the celebrations without a drink in your hand (or whatever your drug of choice). With added stressors that come with the holiday season, there is more temptation and triggers to deal with. However, there are some sobriety tips that you can utilize in order to better prepare for managing your recovery this time of year.

Some sobriety tips to consider using this upcoming holiday season include:

Not Skipping the Self-Care

Taking care of yourself should be a priority during the holidays, as this time of year can bring about triggers and stressors that may not come about during other times of the year. So, make sure to make time for yourself, even though you have a busy schedule. Some things you can do to improve your self-care routine are to get outside and take walks or runs in nature, practice mindfulness techniques like meditation and yoga, and get more sleep in by taking naps or going to bed earlier in the day. When you are taking care of yourself, your mental health will improve – even during times of the year that seem more overwhelming like the holidays.

Have a Reply at the Ready

One way that mental health is affected during the holiday season is getting overwhelmed. It seems that there is so much to do during the holiday season including hosting events, spending more time with family, going to rehearsals and concerts for your kids, going to parties and events, buying gifts, etc. All of these things being added to your plate can be overwhelming and add to the stress of the season. So, it’s important to give yourself grace and understand that you can say no when things get to be too much. Therefore, it can be important to have a reply at the ready for things that you just don’t have room for on your plate. This can include telling your friends or family that you just don’t have the capacity to spend more time or energy on something they want to add to your schedule. When you have a reply ready in your mind, it can be easier to say no and protect yourself from further stress.

Let Your Loved Ones Know

It can be hard to ask others for help, especially when we want to do it all on our own. But, we are always stronger together. So, if you feel overwhelmed and stressed by the holiday seasons, or symptoms of a mental health disorder seem to worsen during the holidays, it can be helpful to ask your loved ones for added support. Without letting your loved ones know that you may be up against a challenge, they may not know that you need help. So, consider reaching out to your friends and family to let them know that this time of year is more challenging for you. And, determine the things that you can ask them to help you with. This can be as simple as asking your loved ones to step in to help you with shopping or cooking. Or, having them be an ear to listen when things start to get overwhelming for you.

Reach out for Help if you Need It

Finally, the best thing that you can do if you’re struggling with your mental health during the holiday season is to reach out for help. If you find yourself in a mental health crisis, it’s essential to get the help you need, regardless of the time of year. Reach out for help from Delray Center for Recovery this holiday season and find out more about how we can help on our website.

Addressing Myths About Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Alcohol and drug addiction, or substance use disorders, are mental health diagnoses that can impact both individuals living with addiction and their loved ones. While getting help through treatment is effective for many, a lot of people may never get the help they need due to the stigmas that surround substance use disorders and treatment for these issues. In this blog, we identify and address a number of the myths that surround addiction and treatment, providing truth and knowledge to people who are living with addiction and their families. This way, help can be sought and individuals living with substance abuse can find hope in overcoming addiction.

Some myths that surround alcohol and drug addiction that may be keeping people from getting the help they need include:

Using Alcohol and Drugs Every Now and Then Doesn’t Lead to Addiction

There are many people who have used drugs and alcohol on an occasional basis but never developed addiction – that is true. However, for people who are predisposed to addiction either by genetics, history of addiction, concurring mental health issues, etc., using drugs and alcohol, even on a regular basis, can and does lead to substance use disorders. Some people have addictive personalities or use addictive substances to cope with unwanted emotions which can also lead to substance use disorder. Not everyone can use addictive substances every once in a while and expect to never become addicted – addiction forms over time and with every use, a person is more likely to develop a physical dependence on addictive substances which leads to a cycle of addiction.

Opioid Addiction Only Develops in People Who Already Struggle With Addiction

While it is true that people who have struggled with addiction previously are at a higher risk of becoming addicted to opioids, this isn’t the case for every person who becomes addicted to opioids. In many cases, people are prescribed opioids by prescription and end up becoming dependent on these substances legally. Once their prescription runs out, they find other ways to use opioids as their bodies start to withdraw. Thus, leading to a cycle of addiction. Therefore, opioid addicts aren’t simply people who have already been using drugs or alcohol on the streets – they are people from all walks of life, every race, every profession, and every religion. Addiction, even opioid addiction, does not discriminate.

Only Weak People Need Help for Addiction

One of the biggest, most hurtful stigmas that surround addiction is that people who need help for addiction are considered weak. Many people assume that people who are struggling with addiction can just choose to stop using – but it’s not that simple or easy. When a person is living with addiction, they experience withdrawal when they stop using, which can be excruciatingly painful. Furthermore, quitting “cold turkey”, or without treatment, can even be deadly to some people. Getting treatment can help to reduce the symptoms of withdrawal and also provide individuals with coping strategies, education, and support as they begin their recovery journey. Therefore, getting help for addiction is never “weak”, in fact, it is the opposite. Choosing to get help is a very strong and brave thing to do and unfortunately, due to the horrible stigmas surrounding getting help, many people never do.

Telltale Signs That You’re Abusing Drugs as a Means to Cope

No one begins to use addictive substances and thinks that they’re going to develop an addiction. Addiction is a disease that takes form over time and for a number of reasons. But, many people find that they’ve developed addiction as a result of abusing drugs in order to numb emotional pain or cope with unwanted emotions or thoughts. So, if you’re in active addiction and wondering if using drugs to cope is something that has led to your struggle with addiction, there are some signs to look for.

There are some telltale signs that you’re abusing drugs as a way to cope with negative emotions and thoughts including:

You Feel Like You Have to Use Drugs in Order to Have Fun

Do you find that every time you’re out and about with friends you have to use drugs or drink alcohol? Social events are synonymous with drinking and even using party drugs. But, if you feel that you need to drink alcohol or use drugs just to have a good time during social outings, this may be a sign that you’re using these substances to cope. This can include avoiding events that won’t include drinking or drug use and feeling like you need drugs or alcohol to feel self-assured during social gatherings as well.

Craving Drugs or Alcohol During the Day

Do you find yourself daydreaming about getting off of work and having a cold beer, rolling a joint, or breaking out a bag of cocaine? If you’re having cravings to use when you’re not using, like during work or school hours, this may mean that you’re dependent on these substances and have become dependent on them due to the fact that they’re helping you cope with unwanted thoughts or emotions.

Finding it Hard to Sleep Without Using or Drinking

Using addictive substances can change the body’s sleep patterns. So, if you find that it’s hard to fall asleep without first getting inebriated or using your drug of choice, this may mean that your body has changed due to addiction. Sleep issues are common in people who have developed a dependency on addictive substances, whether it means sleeping too much or sleeping too little.

Needing Drugs or Alcohol to Feel Uplifted

Do you reach for your drug of choice in order to lift your spirits? Do you find yourself acting out against loved ones if you’re not high or intoxicated? Addiction can lead to mood swings and affect mood regulation. So, if you find that one of the only things that improve your mood is using your drug of choice, this can signify a dependence on a drug and using drugs or alcohol to cope.

Getting Addiction Help Through Outpatient Treatment

Using drugs or alcohol to cope is a common reason that addiction forms. But, fortunately, there is help available in order to assist you with finding better ways to cope with unwanted emotions and thoughts. Outpatient addiction treatment allows people to get the addiction help they need while not having to give up social responsibilities, work, or school. Delray Center for Recovery offers outpatient addiction treatment services and a number of other therapy services to help people who have developed addictions due to using drugs or alcohol to cope. Find out more about our addiction treatment services from our website.

Loving an Addict: How to Stop Using Enabling Behavior

If you love an addict or alcoholic, of course, you want to help them to reach sobriety. Undoubtedly, you’ve seen first-hand how addiction can negatively impact your loved one’s life. And, certainly, you want them to be a healthier and happier version of themselves. But, what many loved ones of addicts don’t know is that sometimes enabling can feel like helping. However, in reality, enabling behavior does more harm than good. That’s why it’s crucial for the loved ones of people in recovery for addiction to be aware of enabling and also things they can do to avoid enabling and assist their loved one with the recovery process in healthy and supportive ways.

What is Enabling Behavior?

It’s completely understandable that you can identify that a loved one going through addiction is struggling and you want to help as a person who’s supportive and loving. However, sometimes, helping is confused with enabling in these situations. So, what is the difference between helping and enabling?

Enabling is when a person provides care, monetary support, or other help to an addict when they could and should otherwise provide for themselves. Essentially, enabling is when a person provides ‘help’ to an addicted loved one that prevents them from experiencing the consequences of their own actions. For example, enabling can look like:

  • giving money
  • providing transportation
  • offering a place to live/stay
  • bailing a loved one out of jail
  • paying for legal fees
  • making excuses for an addicted loved one’s actions
  • assisting with an addicted loved one’s personal responsibilities (calling out of work for them, taking care of their household chores, paying bills, etc.)

Basically, while it may seem like you’re helping a loved one that’s struggling with addiction through enabling behaviors, all you’re really doing is delaying the consequences of their behavior. And, as a result, delaying them from getting the help they really need through treatment.

What is Helping?

It can be difficult for a loved one of someone struggling with addiction to not only identify their own enabling behaviors but stop doing them in general. In contrast to enabling, helping is much more difficult. Stopping enabling behavior is one way you can truly help your loved one that’s living in a cycle of addiction. It forces them to not lean on you in order to delay the consequences of their drug abuse. You can also help in a number of other ways including encouraging treatment, providing a listening ear, setting healthy boundaries, and being a supportive friend/loved one for recovery. Help is when someone provides the support they could otherwise not provide for themselves. It is not protecting a loved one from negative consequences.

Getting Help as a Unit for Substance Use Disorder

One of the most effective and helpful things you can do to help a loved one who is in recovery from substance use disorder is to be an active part of their recovery. This means providing support by learning about their disorder, how to set healthy boundaries within your relationship, and how to steer clear of enabling. All of these things are touched upon in family therapy sessions, which are typically available from substance abuse treatment facilities like Delray Center for Recovery.

Here, we provide support for both individuals struggling with addiction, their families, and their loved ones on an outpatient basis. Learn more about how we can help you and your family to learn more about enabling and assistive ways of helping a loved one who’s dealing with active addiction.

5 Important Things to Know Before Starting Drug Rehab

Drug rehabilitation programs have the power to change lives. Drug rehab can take people who have been lost and give them a compass so that they can find their way back to being part of regular society. Making the decision to seek drug addiction treatment is not an easy decision. It can be one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. The idea of leaving behind a very comfortable, while still harmful, part of your life can feel very threatening. Once you have made the decision to participate in treatment, it is important to be prepared.

Drug Rehab Logo


Here are a few things that you should know if you are considering drug rehab for yourself or a family member:

1. There is a difference between inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation.

Inpatient and outpatient rehab are the two major types of rehab available to people who have made the decision to seek treatment. Outpatient treatment programs are best for people who have moderate addictions and obligations that make it inadvisable for them to participate in a residential program. Outpatient programs allow drug users to continue to be a part of their regular lives while still seeking addiction treatment. Inpatient treatment programs are best for people with more severe addiction problems who need to be kept away from the outside influences that they have been experiencing. Inpatient programs require that patients live within the treatment facility and abide by the rules that the program sets forth.

2. Attitude makes a difference.

If you are not ready to seek treatment or you believe that it will not work, you are probably better off not getting started at all. If you go into treatment with a positive outlook and a healthy mental attitude, then you are likely to be successful. If you want to seek treatment, but you are not sure it is going to work, fake it. Even if you do not believe it, tell yourself and anyone else that you will be successful in treatment and that you are going to come out the other side a more amazing you.

3. Your loved ones are telling you the truth.

It is possible that you are making the steps to go to treatment because of an intervention staged for you by the people who care the most about you. An intervention means two very important things – that there are people who love and care about you who do not want to see you continue to harm yourself, and that you are in denial about what you have been doing to yourself. In rehab, you will be asked to take responsibility for your actions and for your drug use. You are the only person who can make the decision to take that responsibility and it is a sure sign of healing when you can take ownership of your own behaviors.

4. Group counseling is not so scary.

For people who are naturally introverts or have trouble with public speaking, the idea of group therapy can be terrifying. It can sound very intimidating for almost anyone. Many participants are hesitant to share at first because it is a group of strangers, but eventually, everyone loosens up a bit and realizes that you are all there with a common purpose. You all have things that you can learn from one another. As participants begin to feel less isolated and more a part of this bigger support structure, some of the biggest breakthroughs can occur during group therapy.

5. Rehab does not end when the program ends.

One of the most important parts of rehabilitation happens after your formal rehab treatment is finished. Aftercare is one of the best things that you can do for yourself once your program ends. There are both formal and informal aftercare options. Some facilities offer aftercare programs that include 12-step groups, continued therapy session, sober living activities, and potentially more training in how to live a drug free life. You can also find most of these options on your own. Narc-Anon groups have regular meetings all over the country. You can make and keep maintenance and follow-up appointments on your own. You can also seek out a sober living group that fits into your schedule and participates in activities that are right for you.