Why do some people end up in need of our addiction treatment Delray Beach program while others can have just one drink without feeling the urge to have seventeen more? Addiction specialists believe that there are certain personality traits that make a person more likely to eventually need our addiction treatment Delray Beach program.
We See 3 Core Traits Again and Again in Our Addiction Treatment Delray Program
There are three core personality traits that are most likely to lead a person to need our addiction treatment Delray Beach program. They are impulsivity, compulsivity and sensation-seeking.
If you’re impulsive, that means you act without considering the consequences. This causes the kind of poor self-control that ultimately leads many to our addiction treatment Delray Beach program. You’re the kind of person who gets wasted even when they have to work the next day – over and over again.
If you’re sensation-seeking, that means you tend to seek novel experiences. You might be the kind of person who likes extreme sports, trying new things to eat, or traveling to exotic locales. You’re also more likely to experiment with drugs and more likely to wind up in our addiction treatment Delray Beach program.
The final personality trait that we often see in those who enter our addiction treatment Delray Beach program is compulsivity. If you’re compulsive, that means you’ll keep repeating the same behavior even when the consequences are unpleasant. This is the kind of behavior that makes a person with OCD wash his or her hands over and over again, even after his or her skin cracks and bleeds from over-washing. Among those who seek help from our addiction treatment Delray program, compulsivity can be understood as a vulnerability to forming bad habits. The people in our addiction treatment Delray Beach program form bad habits more easily than people with non-addictive personalities, and they continue in those patterns even at the cost of their job, health and cherished relationships.
You must have all three of these personality traits in order to have a truly addictive personality. You might try drugs out of a desire for new experiences, but if you’re not impulsive, you’ll do them only a few times or only when it’s not going to interfere with your other responsibilities. You may be impulsive and sensation-seeking, but without the compulsivity needed to form habits, you’re unlikely to wind up in need of our addiction treatment Delray Beach services.
Our Addiction Treatment Delray Beach Program Can Help You Overcome Your Addictive Personality
Just because you have an addictive personality, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to a lifetime of unmitigated substance abuse. Our addiction treatment Delray Beach program can give you the tools you need to overcome your addictive personality traits and live a healthy life.
When you first enter our addiction treatment Delray Beach program, you’ll need treatment for your addiction. The first goal of our addiction treatment Delray Beach program is to get your addictive behaviors under control so that you can do the self-work necessary for true recovery.
During your time in our addiction treatment Delray Beach program, you’ll undergo cognitive behavioral therapy, a valuable evidence-based therapy that will help you replace destructive behaviors with healthy ones and give you the coping skills necessary to prevent relapse. While in our addiction treatment Delray Beach program, you’ll learn how to soothe yourself when you’re upset, so that you don’t need to use drugs or alcohol to cope with difficult emotions.
Our addiction treatment Delray program also uses dialectical behavioral therapy, a form of therapy that teaches you how to control your emotions and properly express your distress. Through our addiction treatment Delray Beach program, you’ll learn how to tolerate your uncomfortable emotions without resorting to using substances, and in ways that protect and strengthen your relationships rather than tearing them down.