
Outpatient Detox Delray Beach Program FAQs

If you’re considering entering our outpatient detox Delray Beach program, you probably have some questions about the process. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our outpatient detox Delray Beach program. Are There Certain Drugs That Do or Do Not Require Detox? There are four main types of substances that usually require…

What Are the Risks of Subutex Addiction?

Subutex, the brand name for buprenorphine, is an opiate drug developed for the treatment of opiate addiction. Unfortunately, Subutex is just as addictive as heroin, morphine or any other opiate drug, and Subutex addiction causes detrimental physical and social side effects. Our Subutex addiction Delray Beach program seeks to help people struggling with Subutex addiction…

Stay Safe with Our Cocaine Detox Delray Beach Program

Though many people believe you can safely go through cocaine detox at home, detoxing from any addictive substance is dangerous. Aside from the risk of physical complications, detoxing from drugs or alcohol carries suicide or overdose risks. If you’re ready to quit cocaine, you’ll be better off attending our cocaine detox Delray Beach program than…

Is Alcohol Outpatient Treatment Right for You?

If you’re struggling with alcoholism, alcohol outpatient treatment might seem like a great option. Outpatient treatment for addiction allows you to seek treatment on your own schedule, so you don’t have to take weeks or months away from work and your family to seek help. But alcohol outpatient treatment isn’t right for everyone. Here’s what…

Dust Off Abuse Is Deadly

Dust Off – the compressed air used to clean computer equipment – can be deadly if used as an inhalant. Dust Off abuse is most common among young people aged 9 to 15 – kids this age want to experiment with substances, but have a hard time getting alcohol or street drugs. Neither is Dust…